Good Morning….

Good Morning-

I’ve had a very busy week and am filled with many very different emotions this morning.  A very dear friend of mine is having health issues, Joe’s been out of town for the past week and is coming home tonight (thank God), I have an ultrasound on my neck this morning from my previous cancer issues, and I’m cooking for a wedding shower tomorrow.  Oh, and I also just packaged some beautiful baby shower cookies.

What is it about babies that seems to make any situation feel better?  Anything baby is so sweet to me.  Makes me want to hold one right at this moment!  Need someone close to have a baby soon so I can get my regular baby fixes!  Any takers?

These are actually baby feet cut out butter cookies.  I’ve done somewhat of a tie dye on them per my customer’s request.  Cute idea, don’t you think?  Totally therapeutic.  I’ll share how it’s done soon, when I feel a bit more calm.

I hope you have a great weekend!


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