Chris Turns 16!


Chris is 16!  We’re working on our driving hours, he will soon have his licence.  Life is good.  Sitting in front of him is the cake I’ve made him since he was 9.  Whenever I come across the pan, I can’t help but smile.

Seven years ago he’d been watching tv in the basement and presented me with a scap of paper with an 800 number on it.  His birthday was a few weeks away and he decided that he wanted the “Betty Crocker Bake-N-Fill” for his birthday cake.  It was this cool pan that would bake a cake that you could fill with ice cream, very cool.  I’d forgotten all about it and about a week later, he presented me with another piece of paper with the number scratched on it.  He said, “hey Ang, in case you lost the number, here’s the number again for the Betty Crocker Bake-N-Fill.”   I realized that this was a very serious request, I ordered the pans.

Aside from the very cheesey infomercial, the pans really work great!   You fill the pans with the batter and top the larger of the pans with the lid.

 You can see that the pan will bake around the indentation.

Once the cake is baked, cool, and then into the freezer. 

Fill the cake with the ice cream, flip over onto the base.

Ready to frost.  Ice it and right back into the freezer.  Take out of the freezer 20 minutes before serving.   

I so enjoy making each of my boys their own special birthday cakes.  I love that Chris has had this cake every year since we bought the pan. 

Happy boy/young man.  Where has the time gone?  He was so little when I met him, I remember the size of his little hands and all the missing teeth.   I hope he’ll continue to want this cake year after year, I so love making it:-)     So cute.  Warm fuzzies. 

I thought I’d share a couple of my favorite “Chris” birthday pictures…..

I LOVE little boys and cheesy smiles!  This is a picture of Chris BA, (before Ang)

This is the first cake I made for Chris, he was 7,  it too was an ice cream cake.   Very camera shy as you can see:-)

Enjoy every moment with your kids, in a blink they’ll be all grown up!


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  1. Cathriona says

    Ang…that was such a nice post to read…you have 3 (actually 4 counting Joe) lucky boys…Cxx

  2. Phyllis Lukas says

    Love, love, love your post! Happy Birthday to Chris!