Post “Parent” Depression????

My big 1st grader!

Is there such a thing as post parent depression?  If not, here’s my take on it….

When you have your first child, you don’t really realize just how much your life will change until you experience it for yourself.  I feel very fortunate that I was able to stay home with Ryan.  Of course, this created a few challenges for me.  I really missed being out in the world.  I missed “lunching” with friends and staying on top of all the fashion trends working and simply being an adult.  Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t change a single thing, but this made me feel at times a little down.

When Ryan turned 3, I thought it time for pre school.  Kids could go 5 days a week, three (M,W,F), or two, (T,TH).  I opted for the two days a week, I just couldn’t do a day more!  I remember feeling sad when I left him there the first day.  There too was the end of the year party for pre school.  I was sad because the next step in our educational journey would be Pre-K.

Do you get where I’m going with this?  Pre-K, Kindergarten, and now 1st grade.  Our Jack is off at school, major change in our house, and now Ryan, gone all day! 

This morning when I dropped Ry off for his first day of 1st grade, my friend Sarah’s boy was starting kindergarten.  She got a little teary and I was feeling a little guilty because I didn’t feel a pang of sadness….until I went on my walk.

I set out on my walk, like most days in high gear.  It wasn’t until I came across the largest bee looking insect I’d ever seen!  I thought, boy, Ryan would love to see this!  Suddenly my mind was flooded with memories of walking my little boy to pre school, calling me “Mama”, (he still does:-) asking me for a “toochie” (this meant cookie).   I then was trying to remember exactly how he looked when he was much younger…I was a mess!  Emotional power walking.  I wonder if you earn more Weight Watcher’s Points when your crying and exercising????

I packed Ry’s first lunch of many today.  Reflection is good.  Time goes too quickly.  Enjoy the chaos that comes with kids, we’ll miss it when it’s gone.

Have a great evening!


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  1. I know how you feel. Now I am reliving the same kinds of feelings with my grandchildren, even more intensely than I did with my own children. I have been through the pains of my own children growing up and realize how precious each second can be especially when children are young. Tonight my grandson (age 4) wanted to go outside and blow bubbles…at dinner time. I did something that I probably wouldn’t have done with my children when they were the same age; I went outside and sat on the steps to eat my dinner while Gavin blew bubbles. We talked about all kinds of things and watched the bubbles fly away on the wind until the sun set.